Fashion Theme Shoot – The Purge

Another near-future dystopian America  around an annual national holiday known as “The Purge” where all crimes, including murder, are legal for 12-hours.

The emphasis here is fashion rather than a horror movie shoot but with an unlikely source of inspiration. Everything was improvised. It was a warm summer evening, but we chose a night time look so mostly off-camera flash.

Models little_courtz_ and ezzlepopz were great to work with. Do give them a follow in Instagram.

This was the first time I went all out and actually used smoke grenades on a session. I feel they were overused a year or two back so I’ve avoided them. It just seemed like the thing here. We were lucky to have SiD on the team. The wind was everywhere but so was SiD, dashing everywhere to set up a decent smokescape.